Riau: A Short Trip to Appreciate

Who would have thought that 2020 would be this cruel? A series of unfortunate events from the bushfires in Australia, Ukranian plane that being shot in Iran, the volcanic eruptions in the Philippines, the death of Kobe Bryant and his daughter, the earthquake in the Carribean, the floods and mudslides in South America, to the most distressing of all; the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak that shook the entire world. As of May 1st, 2020, more than 3.25 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported in 187 countries, resulting in more than 233,000 deaths.

If you knew this crisis would come, what’s one thing you wish you did more often? I bet many of us would say, going out. Hanging out with family and friends, with our significant other, going to the cinema, hitting the gym, saying yes more often to people inviting us out, traveling! We realized there are just so many things we tend to take for granted.

It has been almost 2 months since the first case was confirmed to have spread to Indonesia. Some of us have to stay at a small apartment or kos-kosan, and some have to accept the fact that this year Ramadan and Hari Raya will be far from festive, without our family to share it with, some have lost their job. But, still we need to wake up the next morning, hoping this crisis will end soon. We find ourselves doing the new normal; video calling with friends, doing home workout, cooking, binge-watching Netflix series, gaming, TikTok-ing. Though to some extent, doing these things over and over again is quite frustrating that sometimes we think we have reached the highest level of boredom. We raise up again, trying to remember; there are still many things we have to be grateful for. So, instead of asking when will this crisis be over, we now ask ourselves; what little things have we recently learned to appreciate?

For me, it’s an abundance of feelings, and a short trip to the central eastern coast of Sumatera would summarize it all.

Arriving at Sultan Syarif Kasim II International Airport.

Riau, another Malay province in Sumatera soil, marked the 24th Indonesia’s province that I have visited. Nothing much to expect to be honest, but that is actually what to expect at all and that is what makes it interesting. After a joyful trip to one of the most-travelled destinations in the world, Japan, where everything was very well-planned and predictable, exciting and very flashy, a trip to a place like Riau seemed to be very much needed. It felt like I just need to go to Riau because I didn’t know what to expect at all. Because I believe one self with no expectation always turns out to be the one who is able to appreciate little things and it shouldn’t take a global pandemic to make us appreciate all the little things around us.

I am so grateful for making to Riau at the beginning of February before the COVID-19 started to wreak havoc. Again, what little things have I recently learned to appreciate?

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I somehow learned to appreciate the different colors of skies.
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The long and winding road trip.
The beauty to connect.
The freedom to decide to go wherever I want.
The joy of ticking off my wish list.
Eating whatever I want.
Flirting with nature.
Listening to a bird sings.
Enjoying such a beautiful scenery.
Having good companions.
Created with RNI Films app. Preset 'Kodachrome 50's'
The joy to co-exist.
To breathe fresh air without fear and hesitation.

I realize a short trip to the less-traveled route like the one to Riau is a journey to appreciate these little things. To celebrate life.

Riau, checked! ✔️

Sampai kita ke mana-mana lagi!

Published by ciptadimana

Constantly torn between museums and Mother Nature, between traditions and pop culture, spooning and adventure.

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